Test Engineer Co-Op
Ametek PDS
November 2021 -Present
Describe position
Teaching Assistant
Girls who Code
Summer 2020 & 2021
Implemented, executed, and critiqued a curriculum for over 120 students from 15 to 17 on the basics of web-development. While fostering a sense of sisterhood and community through an online setting, by checking in with individual students offering extra support to those struggling, held office hours, hosted weekly meetings with mentees, and developed and implemented plans of actions for students who seemed withdrawn. Assisted and facilitated meetings with fortune 500 companies so students could build meaningful relationships after the program.
Coding Instructor
Code Ninjas
October 2019 to Febuary 2021
Abided by a pre-set curriculum, focusing on monitoring students’ progress, working one on one with parents and students to achieve their desired results from the program.
Wichita State University
B.S. Industrial Engineering
May 2024
Grade point Average: 3.5
Bentonville High School
May 2020
Grade Point Averaage: 3.7
ACT Score: 27
Leadership & Activities
Delta Gamma Sorority
Positions Held: Director of Recruitment Records
Society of Women Engineers
Robotics Team (H.S.)
Positons held: President, and Advisor
Accomplishments: Aided in developing a Robotics program from the beginning into a championship caliber team
AutoCad Inventor
Web-based (html, CSS, JS)
Copy of Resume
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